Interim Rector Senior Warden Junior Warden Treasurer STAFF
Deacon Deacon Director of Music Sunday Sexton Cleaning Service VOLUNTEER STAFF Acolyte Master Altar Guild Directress Breakfast Coordinator Bulletin Editor CHS News Editor Recording Secretary Coffee Hour Daughters of the King The Dove Editor Lay Ministry Training Nursery Parish Photographer Pledge Clerks Prayer Chain Webmaster Webmaster Assistant Worship Schedule Youth Coordinator |
Andrew Calandriello John Andrews Diane Hrozencik Sally Bird Jane Anderson Jeff Anderson Diane Bendahmane Dale Dabour Eva Lesniak Meg McKenna Alex vanVeldhuisen
Dot Hospador Michelleslie Maltese Alexei Tartakovsky Joanne Shallo Papics Janitorial Service Jack Daniels Jane Paradiso Meg McKenna Jan Paxton Chris Hanneken Wendy Hallstrom Vicki Brooks Dot Hospador Dave Dabour Online or CHS Jan Paxton John Rollins |
908-205-2145 973-476-5389 973-775-2077 908-335-4055 908-892-2745 |
Need to get the word out?
To have an event added to the parish calendar, contact Marge Keller
To put an announcement in the Sunday Bulletin, email the office by Tuesday afternoon.
To have something added/changed on the website, email the webmaster
To have something put in the CHS E-News, email the webmaster by Wednesday afternoon.
To have something added to the The Dove, contact Vicki Brooks.
To have an event added to the parish calendar, contact Marge Keller
To put an announcement in the Sunday Bulletin, email the office by Tuesday afternoon.
To have something added/changed on the website, email the webmaster
To have something put in the CHS E-News, email the webmaster by Wednesday afternoon.
To have something added to the The Dove, contact Vicki Brooks.
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