Theology on Tap will have a new meeting schedule!
The group unanimously agreed to the following:
1) We will meet from now on every other Tuesday of the month (so the next meeting will be January 28th);
2) Each session will be one hour to 1-2 hours.;
3) For the time being we will meet Virtually via Zoom from now on.
Here is the ToT Zoom link:
1) We will meet from now on every other Tuesday of the month (so the next meeting will be January 28th);
2) Each session will be one hour to 1-2 hours.;
3) For the time being we will meet Virtually via Zoom from now on.
Here is the ToT Zoom link:
The book I recommended is:
The Tao of Thomas Aquinas: Fierce Wisdom for Hard Times by Matthew Fox.
The book should at least require a 4-6 weeks discussion.
Father Andrew Calandriello+
Amazon says:
A stunning Spiritual Handbook drawn from the substantive teachings of a mystical/prophetic genius offering a sublime roadmap for spirituality and action, this short book brings a well of deep wisdom to the surface. Matthew Fox's stated purpose for this new "handbook" is to support and inspire the energy of a new generation of sacred activists working on the front lines of social change with the fierce wisdom of this courageous intellectual warrior and spiritual genius. "In these pages I have attempted to offer an accessible and succinct platform to hear the heart and mind of this giant thinker, philosopher, scientist, theologian, mystic, and prophet. And to make his wisdom available to many-especially the young."
Amazon has the paperback and Kindle editions
The Tao of Thomas Aquinas: Fierce Wisdom for Hard Times by Matthew Fox.
The book should at least require a 4-6 weeks discussion.
Father Andrew Calandriello+
Amazon says:
A stunning Spiritual Handbook drawn from the substantive teachings of a mystical/prophetic genius offering a sublime roadmap for spirituality and action, this short book brings a well of deep wisdom to the surface. Matthew Fox's stated purpose for this new "handbook" is to support and inspire the energy of a new generation of sacred activists working on the front lines of social change with the fierce wisdom of this courageous intellectual warrior and spiritual genius. "In these pages I have attempted to offer an accessible and succinct platform to hear the heart and mind of this giant thinker, philosopher, scientist, theologian, mystic, and prophet. And to make his wisdom available to many-especially the young."
Amazon has the paperback and Kindle editions
Theology on Tap meets on Tuesday evenings. We read and discuss books in some way related to our faith, scripture, theology, church history, etc. Sometimes we select short story collections and discuss how each story reflects on faith or a spiritual journey. See the list at the bottom of this page for a list of books we have read in the past. When we begin a book, we generally meet for 6-8 weeks, while we work through the book a chapter or so at a time. Usually, we take a few weeks off before starting a new ToT book. Finally, we take the “on Tap” aspect of our name somewhat literally. Attendees bring adult beverages to share, some others bring tasty pastry and the like. There is no schedule for bringing and sharing, yet we’ve never been wanting for food or drink.
When we are meeting, if you can't be there in person, here is the ToT Zoom link:
When we are meeting, if you can't be there in person, here is the ToT Zoom link:
Books we have read:
Allison, C. F. (1994). Cruelty of heresy. Trinity Press International.
Bader-Saye, J. (2007). Following Jesus in a culture of fear. Baker Academic.
Bass, D. B. (2015). Grounded: Finding God in the world. HarperOne.
Brooks, D. (2019). The second mountain: The quest for a moral life. Random House.
Brueggemann, W. (2014). Sabbath as resistance: Saying no to the culture of now. Westminster John Knox Press.
Burkeman, O. (2021). Four thousand weeks: Time and how to use it. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Carlson, P. J., & Hawkins, P. (Eds.). (2007). Listening for God, Vol. 1 and 2. Cowley Publications.
Gaventa, B. R. (2007). When in Romans: An invitation to Lament, Hope, and the Gospel. Baker Academic.
Geitz, M. (2017). Gender and the Nicene Creed. Morehouse Publishing.
Hart, D. B. (2019). That all shall be saved: Heaven, hell, and universal salvation. Yale University Press.
Hart, D. B. (2009). Atheist delusions: The Christian revolution and its fashionable enemies. Yale University Press.
Hart, D. B. (2013). The experience of God: Being, consciousness, bliss. Yale University Press.
Hart, D. B. (2005). The doors of the sea: Where was God in the tsunami?. Eerdmans.
Hart, D. B. (2002). The devil and Pierre Gernet: Stories. Eerdmans Publishing.
Hart, D. B. (2000). The story of Christianity: An illustrated history of 2000 years. HarperOne.
Hick, J. (1966). Evil and the God of love. Harper & Row.
Johnson, M. E. (Ed.). (2007). Between memory and hope: Readings on the liturgical year. Liturgical Press.
à Kempis, T. (1940). The imitation of Christ. Christian Classics.
Kirwan, M. (2014). Discovering Girard. University of Notre Dame Press.
Kreider, A. (2016). The patient ferment of the early church: The improbable rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Baker Academic.
Nouwen, H. (1975). Reaching out: The three movements of the spiritual life. Doubleday.
Oliver, J. (2007). A house of meanings: Christian worship in plain language. Church Publishing.
Oliver, J. (2012). Seed of the future church: Ecclesiology for a time of change. [Publisher unavailable].
Rohr, R. (2016). The divine dance: The Trinity and your transformation. Whitaker House.
Rohr, R. (2011). Falling upward: A spirituality for the two halves of life. John Wiley & Sons.
Ross, D. (2002). Gifts glittering and poisoned: A study of Thomas Merton's engagement with contemporary culture. Cascade Books.
Taylor, B. B. (2014). Learning to walk in the dark. HarperOne.
Thurman, H. (1949). Jesus and the disinherited. Beacon Press.
Wills, G. (2006). What Jesus meant: The words and deeds of Jesus in the light of the gospels. Viking Press.
Allison, C. F. (1994). Cruelty of heresy. Trinity Press International.
Bader-Saye, J. (2007). Following Jesus in a culture of fear. Baker Academic.
Bass, D. B. (2015). Grounded: Finding God in the world. HarperOne.
Brooks, D. (2019). The second mountain: The quest for a moral life. Random House.
Brueggemann, W. (2014). Sabbath as resistance: Saying no to the culture of now. Westminster John Knox Press.
Burkeman, O. (2021). Four thousand weeks: Time and how to use it. Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
Carlson, P. J., & Hawkins, P. (Eds.). (2007). Listening for God, Vol. 1 and 2. Cowley Publications.
Gaventa, B. R. (2007). When in Romans: An invitation to Lament, Hope, and the Gospel. Baker Academic.
Geitz, M. (2017). Gender and the Nicene Creed. Morehouse Publishing.
Hart, D. B. (2019). That all shall be saved: Heaven, hell, and universal salvation. Yale University Press.
Hart, D. B. (2009). Atheist delusions: The Christian revolution and its fashionable enemies. Yale University Press.
Hart, D. B. (2013). The experience of God: Being, consciousness, bliss. Yale University Press.
Hart, D. B. (2005). The doors of the sea: Where was God in the tsunami?. Eerdmans.
Hart, D. B. (2002). The devil and Pierre Gernet: Stories. Eerdmans Publishing.
Hart, D. B. (2000). The story of Christianity: An illustrated history of 2000 years. HarperOne.
Hick, J. (1966). Evil and the God of love. Harper & Row.
Johnson, M. E. (Ed.). (2007). Between memory and hope: Readings on the liturgical year. Liturgical Press.
à Kempis, T. (1940). The imitation of Christ. Christian Classics.
Kirwan, M. (2014). Discovering Girard. University of Notre Dame Press.
Kreider, A. (2016). The patient ferment of the early church: The improbable rise of Christianity in the Roman Empire. Baker Academic.
Nouwen, H. (1975). Reaching out: The three movements of the spiritual life. Doubleday.
Oliver, J. (2007). A house of meanings: Christian worship in plain language. Church Publishing.
Oliver, J. (2012). Seed of the future church: Ecclesiology for a time of change. [Publisher unavailable].
Rohr, R. (2016). The divine dance: The Trinity and your transformation. Whitaker House.
Rohr, R. (2011). Falling upward: A spirituality for the two halves of life. John Wiley & Sons.
Ross, D. (2002). Gifts glittering and poisoned: A study of Thomas Merton's engagement with contemporary culture. Cascade Books.
Taylor, B. B. (2014). Learning to walk in the dark. HarperOne.
Thurman, H. (1949). Jesus and the disinherited. Beacon Press.
Wills, G. (2006). What Jesus meant: The words and deeds of Jesus in the light of the gospels. Viking Press.